As you can see Lost Ark Gold in this image below, Wade does indeed have an upper part of his neck that is head-high when playing the game. The good news is that players are reporting it is the Sleepy Hollow version of his new Legendary skin isn't bugged within the game's menu.
As of now, we are not seeing any video of the Operator in game, which makes it impossible to determine whether this glitch might cause any issues.
Warzone Pacific Season 2 'headless' bug fix on the way
A few hours after the Season 2 patch arrived and players noticed the headless issue, Raven Software confirmed the team was already working on it.
"The "missing heads" bug was being investigated for a short period of time, and it wasn't long before developers to find the solution.
An update is already planned according to the most recent update to the official Warzone Trello board.
There's no way to tell Lost ark gold buy when this fix could be released, but. But it shouldn't be too long until Wade has his head back on his back in the menus.
I am very happy that Wade was optimized and now my skin looks like it should. I can't wait for halloween, I really like the vintage halloween images that will be in the game. I am very interested in what style will go to this event.